Archive for August, 2004

Music downloads

August 4, 2004

Ok, get ready for a whole bunch of new features and enhancements, because we are entering another development phase!

First up, we’ve been working with Sub Pop Records to get some music for you guys to download. We’re also going to have some of the members of our featured bands join Musicmobs so you can see what they listen to.

Our first featured artist is Rogue Wave. If you are logged in you can download a free mp3 single from their album Out Of The Shadow. You can also see Zach Rogue’s Musicmobs profile. Make sure to let any Rogue Wave fans you know about this because it’s pretty cool and we are really excited about it. Also, if you are a musician that would like to have your profile highlighted please let me know.

In addition to getting more music content, I will be working quite a bit on the recommendations. I’ve got some ideas on how to make them more useful that I think you guys will like.